Psalms II - The album by Silence released in 2023
In 2013, a new chapter in the band's history began with the reunion of Silence. Psalms found their way into our music in their complete wording.
Sometimes the words and music flowed together completely rounded. Sometimes the process proved to be a real struggle and the songs had to be worked hard or even fought for - the whole spectrum as it can be found in the Psalms.
In the last few years two albums have been created in this way and so our first production "Psalms" is now followed by "Psalms II".
If our music touches and the texts of the Psalms open up in a new way, our commitment has been worthwhile.
Psalms 2 on your streaming service
Feedback of Listeners
"I am happy that the group "Silence" sets psalms to music in a modern way and in this way makes people of today curious about these ancient which we feel connected to all people...Listening to this music I also feel connected to those who have fallen silent before God, who can no longer pray, who have become strangers to the language of the Bible...So I wish all listeners of these psalm settings that they will be touched in their hearts."
Anselm GrünOSB, Münsterschwarzbach
"...The music of the band Silence has always had the potential to give you goosebumps. Now it sets to music texts that are a thousand years older than the oldest ruin in Switzerland. They are prayers of bloody life and rapturous enthusiasm. They transport confidence, trust and hope and also unrestrained disappointment, envy, bitterness....So "Silence" embarks on the oldest prayer stream of mankind. You can hear it and feel it: it's not just "for me," it's true."
Ruedi HeinzerPfr. em., Spiez
"...the Psalms CD is completely in the spirit of modern church music and could be used on events and in church could create a new bridge between church and society and thus an important connection to the people...the special quality deserves a sign of appreciation.…"
M. ZeindlerRef BEJUSO, Synodalrat